
In order to understand the evolution of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars and their interaction with the surrounding circumstellar and interstellar gas we have undertaken an emission-line imaging survey of the (almost complete) WR star population in the Magellanic Clouds (Dopita. et al . 1994). Interference filter CCD images have been obtained in Hα and [O iii ] λ5007 for all WR stars in the LMC and the SMC. The survey was conducted using the 2.3 m telescope at the Siding Spring Observatory ANU. The field of view was 6′.7, and the pixel size was 0″.65/pix. A total of 115 WR. stars in the LMC (Breysacher 1981; Lortet, 1991) and 9 WR stars in the SMC (Azzopardi & Breysacher, 1979; Morgan et al . 1991) were observed in this survey. This survey is the first complete survey of the ionized material around WR stars in the Magellanic Clouds, and indeed is the first complete survey in any galaxy. We have almost doubled the number of ring nebula known in the MCs, and have revealed a number of cases in which stellar ejecta has almost certainly been identified. As a consequence, we find that the incidence of ring nebulae around WR stars in the LMC is very similar to that in the solar neighborhood. (According to Lozinskaya, 1982; 1983; 1992 only 30-40% of WR. and Of stars in the distance-complete sample in the Galaxy are associated with ring nebulae; the nebula types of stellar ejecta and wind-blown bubble are even more scarce, about. 10–15%.

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