
The focus of this paper is the impact of English observed in the language of an international magazine Cosmopolitan. The research was conducted taking into account three language versions of the monthly magazine: Russian, Polish and Spanish. Factual material was excerpted from the periodicals published in 2017–2021. Taking up this topic stems from the need to fill the gap in research on the language of luxury magazines, which have a great influence on forming the canons of linguistic norms and the linguistic awareness of their readers. The aim of the study is to analyze the collected Anglicisms (mainly loanwoard) in terms of their function, way of adaptation and presentation in the text space. Determining the reasons for the popularity of foreign forms in a given language space is also an important point of analysis. An additional assumption of the publication is to indicate the connections between the use of borrowings and the ideological concept of the magazine with cosmopolitanism.

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