
The matter of development of the eugenic movement Has already been described in the Polish science. A lot has been written regarding both the law of the Third Reich, as well as the history of the Polish eugenic movement. However Polish project of eugenic laws have never been thoroughly analyzed from the legal point of view, despite this topic being an object to commentaries in the Interwar period. Up to this point no one attempted to analyze how strongly did the Nazi eugenic concepts influenced the Polish projects of eugenic laws. According to some authors such inspirations are easily noticeable. Thus the thesis that the German law strongly influenced the Polish projects shall be subjected to a critical analysis. The goal of the paper is to compare the German eugenic law with Polish concepts on that matter, especially projects made by Leon Wernic. Due to the use of the comparative legal analysis in the historical perspective, it was possible to indicate the similarities and dissimilarities between the Polish projects and the Nazi laws: Law for the Prevention of Hereditary and diseases of offspring; the Nuremberg Laws; the Law for the Protection of the Health of the German People. The Polish drafts include the Preventive Eugenics Act published in 1934, the drafts of four eugenics laws published in 1935; project of the law: ,,On the inhibition of reproduction of dysgenic individuals” created by Wernic; draft of the law ,,On the inhibition of undesirable reproduction” made by Witold Łuniewski and ,,Eugenics Laws” prepared by Bohdan Ostromęcki. The so-called „Eugenics Act” of 1938 has also been analyzed. The paper indicates that although Wernic explicitly pointed out his inspiration by German and Italian legislation, his concepts as well as concepts of other Polish eugenicists are original. Similarities with German legislation can be seen for example in the procedure of sterilization or a certain concordance of the catalog of diseases which qualified for sterilization. The Polish proposals, however, were not identical with the Nazi proposals. Neither were they racist or anti-Jewish in content. Moreover, the role of so-called positive eugenics was more strongly emphasized in Poland than in Germany.

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