
In the process of restitution of the Orthodoxy, according to the plan of Bishop Jozef Siemaszko, it was important to carry out de-latinization of the Uniate Church, which included liturgy, interiors of temples, believers and rituals. It became a priority to acquire the Uniate clergy, especially canons, teachers, clergy deputies, deans and their deputies. The Lithuanian bishop courted for it personally. The clergy signed the written declarations of consent to joining the Orthodox Church ie. podpiski since the mid-30s the nineteenth century. In the Lithuanian diocese the number of priests, who accepted podpiski was much larger than in the Byelorussian diocese. At the turn of spring and summer 1838, these previously voluntary declarations were enforced. The declarations were not signed by two Uniate priests within the prescribed period in the circuit of Bialystok, at the deanery of Bialystok. In June 1838 more than twenty priests did not sign podpisek at the deanery of Bielsk. The clergy opposed the restitution of the Orthodox Church, wrote letters to the church authorities and the tsar, and agitated the parishioners. Some of them signed the declarations gradually and the church authorities did not draw any consequences. Those who resisted longest made declarations in the last months of 1838, with the exception of standing at the head of opponents – Antoni Sosnowski, who made it in February 1839. The several factors had an impact on the opposition to the signing the declarations by the Uniate priests. Here, on the borderland the far-reaching latinization and polonization, and the activity of Latin priests mostly during the missions, took place. Also, not without significance were close relations between the Uniate priests and the clergy of the Roman Catholic and the Uniate believers along with Latin church, which resulted in blurred differences between the two Catholic rites. Furthermore, the offended ambition of Antoni Sosnowski, whose position was not appreciated by clergy authorities, was significant, as well.


  • important to carry out de-latinization of the Uniate Church

  • The declarations were not signed by two Uniate priests within the prescribed period

  • The clergy opposed the restitution of the Orthodox

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Biskup Józef Siemaszko rozumiał uwarunkowania i specyfikę obszaru, a znając dzieje unii, a zwłaszcza to, jak była wprowadzana, w swoich działaniach starał się unikać, na ile to było tylko możliwe, przemocy i o to samo prosił władze duchowne (dziekanów i przedstawicieli konsystorza w Żyrowicach oraz władze świeckie). Mieszkający w Kleszczelach (w granicach obwodu białostockiego) Antoni Sosnowski, były oficjał Greckounickiego Konsystorza Wileńskiego, nie tylko nie poparł reform i nie wyraził zgody na przyłączenie się do Cerkwi prawosławnej, ale jako inicjator i przywódca stanął na czele opozycji duchownych w dekanacie bielskim (to tu wystąpił największy opór)[15].

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