
Aim: The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of religion, religious leaders, and cultural differences (individualism and collectivism in power distance relationships) on compliance with COVID-19 restrictions, using Malaysia as an example. Culture and religion play key roles in identifying disease adherence, helping to find behaviors and relationships, and determining society's willingness to apply measures to counter the spread of the pandemic. Therefore, cultural beliefs, faith and values can contribute to the success or failure of global efforts to curb the spread of epidemics. Identifying and incorporating cultural parameters and religions may be essential for developing an effective strategy to control pandemics and "shuttle down countries" by implementing restrictions. Methods: In this article, based on a retrospective of events in the selected country of Malaysia, the problem posed will be solved. Based on Hofstede's research, empirically universal cultural dimensions for the analyzed country were extracted (dimensions of national cultures: collectivism - individualism, and power distance). The choice of the country was deliberate and follows the cultural model, because Malaysia, as a country with a high rate of power distance, has a low rate of individualism. In countries characterized by high-power distance, the importance of hierarchy, the pursuit of centralization, among other things, are emphasized. In countries with a high distance from power, there is a significant relationship between society and power. The research conducted used data from Oxford University's "Covid-19 Government Response Tracker" project, in which the author participated. "Covid-19 Government Response Tracker" contains a set of cross-country measures of government response to a pandemic around the world. Using Malaysia as an example, it shows the level of implementation of government restrictions that affected religious gatherings and mass gatherings in correlation to the number of infections per 100,000 people. Results: Based on the analysis carried out in connection (superimposition) of cultural models on the analyzed problem of human behavior, it was possible to show that in countries with a collectivist nature and a high distance from the authorities, with respect for the role of religious leaders, the voice of each religious leader is heard, and the cooperation that existed in this crucial period made it possible to save many lives through wise and prudent decisions made in religious communities. It was also possible to see the high responsibility of religious conductors who allowed practices in religious rites in a slightly different style (with restrictions, caused by restrictions). The measures outlined helped the Malaysian government in its fight against the pandemic. Coclusion: Religion and cultural beliefs have a strong influence on basic health values. Many groups view health and illness holistically, meaning it is a condition that integrates body and mind. For example, in Arab culture, health can be seen as a gift from God, while illness is caused by bad luck, germs, unrest in the family, and an imbalance between heat and cold. Other cultures, on the other hand, condition health and illness on group membership and its influence on an individual's well-being. The reaction of a person, a citizen (society), to the messages issued by the authorities of the health care system is shaped by cultural differences (cultural dimensions, according to Hofstede), including religious beliefs. It should be noted, no less, that in any culture, the role of the religious leader is important because he can instill views of rationality among the congregation that there is no conflict between the protective measures used (introduced), infectious diseases and religious beliefs. Religious leaders who speak skillfully in public have a great contribution to make in communicating with the faithful. They can influence thinking and shape social values and social responsibility through their preaching. On many occasions, religious leaders have made public pronouncements that set an example and called on followers to set a rational example. Oryginality: A scientific article presenting the results of original research of an empirical, theoretical and analytical nature Keyword: Religion, culture, Malaysia, religious leader, collectivism, power distance, COVID-1

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