
Summary The field experiments on winter wheat cultivar Alcazar were conducted in 2011 and 2013. The applications of tested products were done at the stage BBCH 24 of winter wheat (only herbicide) and pinoxaden with different growth regulators at the stage BBCH 31. Despite of the application method of pinoxaden (herbicide only or in mixture) high control effectiveness of Apera spica-venti was obtained in both years of the investigations. Better reduction of winter wheat height was achieved after using pinoxaden with growth regulators than when growth regulators were used alone. Depending on the investigation year the reduction of winter wheat culm was observed in the range from 12.9 to 16.1% for trinexapak ethyl (Modus 250 EC); 20.0 do 21.2% for chlorequat chloride (Antywylegacz Plynny 725 SL); 7.5 do 12.2% for prohexadione-Ca (Regalis 10 WG). Pinoxaden applied at the winter wheat growth stage BBCH 31 reduced winter wheat height at the range from 2.2 to 6.2%, too. Application of herbicide with CCC mixture or with prohexadione calcium resulted in a slight decrease in the weight of thousand seeds as compared to a separate application. In contrast, different correlations were found on the plots where mixtures of pinoxaden with trinexapac acetate were used. No significant differences in the yield of winter wheat among tested treatments were found.


  • No significant differences in the yield of winter wheat among tested treatments were found

  • [Integration of chemical control protection in winter wheat through joint application oh herbicide with growth regulators, fungicide and adjuvants]

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Wojciech Miziniak

Summary The field experiments on winter wheat cultivar Alcazar were conducted in 2011 and 2013. The applications of tested products were done at the stage BBCH 24 of winter wheat (only herbicide) and pinoxaden with different growth regulators at the stage BBCH 31. Aplikację badanych preparatów wykonano w fazie BBCH 24 pszenicy ozimej – sam herbicyd oraz w fazie BBCH 31 – mieszanina pinoksadenu z retardantami wzrostu. Celem badań było określenie wpływu łącznego stosowania pinoksadenu z retardantami wzrostu na skuteczność działania herbicydu oraz wybranych retardantów wzrostu w uprawie pszenicy ozimej. Obiektami badań były: herbicyd Axial 100 EC – (pinoksaden) stosowany z adiuwantem Adigor 440 EC w dawkach odpowiednio 0,45 l/ha + 1,35 l/ha, Antywylegacz Płynny 725 SL – (chlorek chloromekwatu – CCC) w dawce 2,0 l/ha, Moddus 250 EC (trineksapak etylu) – 0,4 l/ha oraz Regalis 10 WG – (proheksadion wapnia) w dawce 0,5 kg/ha.

Dni Days
Efektywność zniszczenia
Kontrola Untreated
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