
Link of Video Abstract: https://youtu.be/UldBMnzIelE Background: Gastric perforation in neonates is an emergency in neonatology with a mortality rate of up to 75%. Many studies have been carried out to improve tissue healing, including using various surgical techniques and materials, one of which is using H-DAM technology. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the differences in the number of fibroblasts and collagen density in gastric perforation repair with H-DAM as a biomaterial patch compared to using an omental patch in New Zealand white rabbits. Methods: A true-experimental study was conducted among 30 samples of rabbits and none of them dropped out. The inclusion criteria for this study are New Zealand White Rabbit male sex, age 6-9 months with a weight of 2-3 kg, healthy and active. The Exclusion criteria for this study are rabbits not fasted for 12 hours. During the 12-hour fasting period, it behaved aggressively, attacked other rabbits, and found surgical site infection. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 25.0 for Windows. Results: From the examination results, there was a significant difference in gastric healing in terms of examining the number of fibroblasts with the Kruskal-Wallis test (p=0.000. The One-way ANOVA analysis found that the three data groups had no significant difference (p=0.234). Conclusion: There is an increase in the number of fibroblasts and collagen density in gastric perforation repair with H-DAM as a biological dressing compared to primary repair of gastric perforation using an omental patch in rabbit models so that H-DAM can be the repair technique of choice in gastric perforation in the rabbit.

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