
ITALIAN EDUCATION AND PEDAGOGICAL THINKING IN POLISH HISTORICAL-PEDAGOGIC LITERATURE The Italian education system and Italian pedagogical thinking have proud traditions. Italian education and its school system aroused and still arouse much interest among Polish educational historians, and numerous books and articles continue to be published on these subjects. these works provide the knowledge of the development of the Italian school system and Italian education across all historical periods; however, humanistic education issues and the meaning of Italy’s pedagogical thinking for the development of new educational concepts are discussed most frequently. Polish educational historians study Saint John Bosco’s and Maria Montessori’s views on education, providing critical analysis of education reforms introduced during Benito Mussolini’s rule. Polish academic works and popular science works published in the last two centuries, which are an interesting source of knowledge for Polish readers, give a compelling account of the Italian education system and Italian pedagogical thinking of the past. there is no doubt that Poles’ knowledge about the development of Italian educational ideals was significantly broadened by numerous historical and pedagogical publications. It should be noted that the most prominent Polish historians of education who speak Italian and know Italy’s archival sources and its rich academic literature had written about Italy’s education. As a result, their works have an important cognitive value, and they show that Poles not only had admired Italian education, but they also had been able to critically assess foreign pedagogical ideals. Additionally, the publications show that, in some historical periods, interest in the Italian education system and Italian pedagogical thought was great (notably, during the Renaissance), while in some centuries (such as the 19th century), it was scant.

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