
In this article we give an overview of the worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis research performed by the WCET group of the ASTEC Competence Centre at Uppsala University. Knowing the WCET of a program is necessary when designing and verifying real-time systems. The WCET depends both on the program flow, such as loop iterations and function calls, and on hardware factors, such as caches and pipelines. WCET estimates should be both safe (no underestimation allowed) and tight (as little overestimation as possible). We have defined a modular architecture for a WCET tool, used both to identify the components of the overall WCET analysis problem, and as a starting point for the development of a WCET tool prototype. Within this framework we have proposed solutions to several key problems in WCET analysis, including representation and analysis of the control flow of programs, modeling of the behavior and timing of pipelines and other low-level timing aspects, integration of control flow information and low-level timing to obtain a safe and tight WCET estimate, and validation of our tools and methods. We have focussed on the needs of embedded real-time systems in designing our tools and directing our research. Our long-term goal is to provide WCET analysis as a part of the standard tool chain for embedded development (together with compilers, debuggers, and simulators). This is facilitated by our cooperation with the embedded systems programming-tools vendor IAR Systems.

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