
Exotic compact objects refer to a wide class of black hole alternatives or effective models to describe phenomenologically quantum gravitational effects on the horizon scale. In this work we show how the knowledge of the quasi-normal mode spectrum of non-rotating wormhole models can be used to reconstruct the effective potential that appears in perturbation equations. From this it is further possible to obtain the parameters that characterize the specific wormhole model, which in this paper was chosen to be the one by Damour and Solodukhin. We also address the question whether one can distinguish such type of wormholes from ultra compact stars, if only the quasi-normal mode spectrum is known. We have proven that this is not possible by using the trapped modes only, but requires additional information.The inverse method presented here is an extension of work that has previously been developed and applied to the oscillation spectra of ultra compact stars and gravastars. However, it is not limited to the study of exotic compact objects, but applicable to symmetric double barrier potentials that appear in one-dimensional wave equations. Therefore we think it can be of interest for other fields too.

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