
Table of Contents Summary: The annual ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® worldwide survey to determine industry trends by health fitness professionals is now in its 13th consecutive year. Strength training (the #5 trend in 2018) was dropped from this year’s survey because it was determined to be too generic. In previous surveys, educated, certified, and experienced fitness professionals that was a top performing trend (#1 in 2008–2013 and in the top 10 in every survey) also was dropped from the survey because it was too broad and lacked the necessary specificity. Employing certified fitness professionals was added as a potential new trend for 2019 and was rated #6. Wearable technology regained the #1 trend after dropping to #3 in 2018. Group training (more than five participants) was rated #2, which is the spot it held in 2018. Last year’s #1 trend, high-intensity interval training, dropped to #3 for 2019. Regaining spots in the top 20 fitness trends include mobile exercise devices (#13), worksite health promotion and workplace well-being programs (#15), outcome measurements (#16), and postrehabilitation classes (#20). Dropping out of the top 20 fitness trends include circuit weight training, sport-specific training, and core training. Four international experts independently commented on the results. Apply It! From this article, the reader should understand the following concepts:

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