
The article analyses the processes of transformation that have taken place over the past decade in environmental education; it also contains philosophical views and ideas on the problem of human interaction with nature. The article underlines necessity of developing a new mindset for the successful existence of humans and the environment in a changing world. The National Park "Vodlozersky" provides environmental education for the local population and visitors to the park. Worldview concept of V.S. Stepin is accepted as a foundation of environmental education in the park, which based on prognostic features of philosophical knowledge in the evolving culture of the society. This concept states that any change in the cultural life of the society determines the changes in relationships with the environment. The cultural life of the inhabitants of Vodlozerie has always been connected with nature. Old traditions as relict programs continue existing in the park. Involvement of youth in various activities for the conservation of nature and traditions of the region acted as a basis for the development of several forms for the future modern program that will ensure reproduction of the variety of activities that are vital for the population with its peculiarities and which are demanded nowadays. Environmental education is carried out in several directions: • Family, morals and manners of the population living in the park. As a rule, these are situational activities, which are based on household customs and traditions that are used by adults; children also get acquainted with them in the course of life and assimilate observed actions or words; • Implementation of the system of the work of the staff of the park's environmental department, who together with the teachers and school staff in the Kuganavolok House of Culture (the main town of the park) maintain and develop traditions of the region, organizing thematic festivals, summer natural and cultural expeditions, trips with children, etc. Festival "Otzhinaha" is very popular among the population. In terms of importance it serves as a "bridge" between the old traditions of the population of Vodlozero and their modern life; • Work with the creative teams. Folk Band "Toive" of Petrozavodsk State University and the expeditions of students of St. Petersburg State Art and Industry Academy named after A.L. Stieglitz became part of the cultural life of Vodlozero Park. Many years of creative activity of these groups in the park are regarded as one of the trends of contemporary sub cultural program, which is capable to ensure the reproduction of forms and kinds of life-sustaining activities of the population of the region under modern circumstances, maintaining its specificity. In this context, we can speak about the phenomenon of sublimation of past traditions of Vodlozerie population and their transition to a new level with the help of modern forms - art objects, representing nature and the world by various means from the standpoint of the real spiritual inner world of youth demanded nowadays. The interaction of art and environmental activities of youth groups, art groups and individuals involved in communication, preservation and promotion of the park, nature, as well as its cultural heritage, act as the foundation for the development of modern programs, reproducing new activities of the park population. Key words: cultural life, ecological education, environmental education.

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