
This report is a comprehensive study of the search for and study of planets around other stars (exoplanets). The young but maturing field of exoplanets is perhaps one of the most compelling fields of study in science today--both because of the discoveries made to date on giant planets around other stars, and because the detection of planets just like our Earth ('Earth analogs') is at last within reach technologically. In the Report we outline the need for a vigorous research program in exoplanets to understand our place in the cosmos: whether planets like our home Earth are a common or rare outcome of cosmic evolution. The strategy we developed is intended to address the following fundamental questions, in priority order, within three distinct 5-yr long phases, over a 15 year period: (1) What are the physical characteristics of planets in the habitable zones around bright, nearby stars? (2) What is the architecture of planetary systems? (3) When, how and in what environments are planets formed? The Report recommends a two-pronged strategy for the detection and characterization of planets the size of the Earth. For stars much less massive and cooler than our Sun (M-dwarfs), existing ground-based techniques including radial velocity and transit searches, and space-based facilities both existing and under development such as Spitzer and JWST, are adequate for finding and studying planets close to the mass and size of the Earth. Conducted in parallel with the M-dwarf strategy is one for the more challenging observations of the hotter and brighter F, G, and K stars, some of which are very close in properties to our Sun, in which the frequency of Earth-sized planets is assessed with Corot and Kepler, but new space missions are required for detection and study of specific Earth-mass and Earth-sized objects. Our Task Force concludes that the development of a space-based astrometric mission, narrowly-focused to identify specific nearby stars with Earth-mass planets, followed by direct detection and study via a spaceborne coronagraph/occulter or interferometric mission, is the most robust approach to pursue. Ground and space-based microlensing programs pursued in parallel would provide complementary information on planetary system architectures on galactic scales. The program for F, G, and K stars must be preceded, at the beginning of the strategy, by broad yet detailed technical assessments to determine whether the astrometric and direct detection technologies will be ready in the time frames envisioned (the second and third 5-yr periods, respectively). Also measurement of dust around nearby candidate stars must be undertaken early to determine whether typical systems are clean enough to make direct detection feasible. Alternative strategies are discussed should problems arise in any of these areas. Finally, the Task Force lays out recommended programs in ground-based observations of larger planets, of planet-forming disks, and theoretical and laboratory studies crucial to interpreting and understanding the outcome of the planet search and characterization observations.

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