
Subject area The following subjects are addressed through the case: Integrated thinking; professional skills; ethics and values; sustainability; and responsible leadership. Study level/applicability This teaching case is aimed at Postgraduate accounting honours or masters students or MBA students. Case overview The case begins on 16 May 2018, with Jason Roberts, Head of Environmental Programmes at World wide fund for nature (WWF), reflecting over bad news. The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (“DAFF”, also referred to as “government”), have just approved the 2017/2018 Total Allowable Catch (“TAC”) for the West Coast (WC) rock lobster at 1,924 tons, almost three times the amount recommended by the scientific community. The events describe a history of tension between the primary objectives of the WWF and the government; difficulties in stakeholder management, and the potential consequences for the survival of the WC rock lobster and those who depend on it for their livelihood. The different perspectives held by different stakeholders; the relevance of the scientific evidence; the legal provisions in place and the process applicable to making the TAC decision; all highlight the complex environment in which decisions were made; to which the WWF is wondering how to respond. Expected learning outcomes The case’s primary learning objective is to highlight the variety of considerations involved in complex decision-making, also known as “integrated thinking”. Students will be required to critically analyse and evaluate the information in the case, as well as the exhibits; to comment on the appropriateness of various decisions and recommendations; evaluate the ethical/moral responsibilities of WWF; understand different perspectives and the reasons for these perspectives; identify actions and statements that reflect responsible leadership, as well as those that reflect the contrary; and apply learnings from this case to personally reflect on one’s role as a responsible business leader. Supplementary materials Teaching Notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 1: Accounting and Finance.

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