
In the modern world paradigmatic changes are taking place. They are caused by the full-scale invasion and military actions of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The long and bloody war became unexpected for the world in terms of its character, content and possible consequences. The heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people, indomitable defense of their own freedom and right to self-determination forced the world to reconsider its attitude towards Ukraine. After all, during this war, in front of the eyes of the world, the formation of a renewed political subject of the Ukrainian nation is taking place, which is fighting for its right to exist with weapons. The resilience of Ukrainians requires an appropriate response from the world, because after February 24, the world has changed and is being tested for strength: from the threat of nuclear war to global food or migration crises. An additional test for the world was a crisis of an existential and moral character, associated with an ethical choice between justice and goodness on the one hand and profit and moderate comfort on the other. Concepts of good and evil in conditions of brutal bloodshed are forced to adjust. After all, the issue of the need for supplies of lethal weapons for the needs of the Armed Forces is extremely acute. It poses a threat to combatants and civilians in the war zone. So, how to qualify the supply of lethal weapons to a country that has become a victim of barbaric military aggression - is it good or bad? And how long can such military aid last? The war continues in the center of civilized Europe in the 21st century. The world has already experienced two world wars. However, this experience did not help prevent further bloodshed and mass atrocities by the occupiers. With new strength in the conditions of the collision of the postmodern reality of today with the militant archaism of the past, the refrain sounds: "Never again!" The purpose of the work is to study the complex socio-historical circumstances in which the formation of Ukrainian political identity takes place on a new worldview platform, when the rational order of things is maximally supplanted and replaced by irrational-willed factors of life organization.

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