
Recently, digital technologies in the fi nancial sector have been actively developing. The pandemic of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 only spurred this process. The result of these events was the structural transformation of the global fi nancial services market, which is the object of this study. The subject of the study is the processes taking place in this market as a result of its digital transformation and the development of fi nancial technologies. Analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction were used as research methods. The multidisciplinary nature of the study should be noted due to the interconnection of sectors such as information technology, fi nancial technology, economic aspects. The study examines the basic characteristics of fi ntech solutions introduced into the practice of the world business, an ecosystem of fi nancial services, reveals the features of such models of the development of fi nancial innovations as USChinese, European and Russian. The impact of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection of COVID-19 on the fi nancial services market was analyzed, it was noted that fi nancial and technological leaders of this sector of the economy can benefi t from the current situation. New criteria for the optimality of fi nancial services are highlighted, in particular, international nature, round-the-clock access, instant conversion with minimal costs and the presence of both fi at money and cryptocurrency. The volume of the global fi ntech market was analyzed, as well as forecasts regarding its development in the future, the volume of global investments in fi ntech in the fi eld of mergers and acquisitions was considered. The main directions of the fi ntech segment development according to the results of the 2019 study were considered and the countries in which this segment is developing most actively were highlighted. The evolution of traditional banks and revealed fi ntech trends in the banking industry in 2020.

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