
Abstract Non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs) represent a public health issue due to their profound impact on population health. Major NCDs risk factors, including obesity, hypertension and diabetes, represent a threat of gigantic proportion, while intervention to prevent NCDs remains of paramount importance in order to decrease their burden over the next decades. Among others, quality of diets has changed substantially and a global shift to unhealthy diet high in calories and highly processed foods mainly due to the rapid urbanisation, increasing incomes, and inadequate accessibility of nutritious foods has been observed. As the burden of NCDs across the worlds remains unacceptably high, the international policy framework should aim to develop evidence-based policy approaches to reduce such burden globally. In this context, the EUPHA Sections on Food and Nutrition and on Chronic Diseases aim to propose a joint workshop to provide the latest updates from leading scientists and experts involved in global health research, with a special focus on NCDs and nutrition-related risk factors. The objectives of the present workshop are the following: To quantify the burden and temporal trends of non-communicable chronic diseases risk factors (such as obesity, elevated blood pressure and diabetes) all around the globe, with a focus on European countries; To assess the impact of nutrition-related risk factors on non-communicable chronic diseases; To explore socio-economic and cultural correlates to dietary changes in developed and developing countries; To discuss the usage of instruments aimed to identify best practices in food policies to prevent junk food consumption. Organizing the present workshop would provide an important occasion for gathering experts in the field and sharing opinions with the audience in light of the presented results. All publication discussed have been published recently, others are ongoing projects, thus providing a unique opportunity to discuss about potential advocacy activities and policy approaches in the context of a EUPHA conference. Key messages The workshop will provide insights on the current burden of NCDs risk factors. The workshop will focus on dietary risk factors, their socio-economic determinants, and strategies to implement a healthy and sustainable diet globally.

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