
Abstract Objectives The hallmark of participatory research is the establishment of equitable research partnerships with a diverse group of stakeholders such as public health professionals, health activists and community representatives. This includes co-creation as a guiding principle that informs several aspects of the research process. Originally, co-creation is a concept from management science and software design and is focused on achieving synergistic effects through user participation in design processes. Co-creation in participatory epidemiology and health promotion aims to improve the life of those who are subjects of research by giving them a stake how studies are carried out, respectively how health promoting services, programmes or products are designed and provided. However, implementing and realizing co-creation is challenging. Participation asks for a systematic reflection of underlying power relations in the research process through dialog, recursive methods of understanding, and joint planning. This skills building seminar will present relevant co-creation concepts and methods. Additionally, illustrative examples from research practice are provided and will outline ways for implementing co-creation in the context of participatory epidemiology and health promotion. The seminar starts with a brief introduction on epistemological principles and ethical norms of participatory health research and state of the art definitions of co-creation. This presentation is followed by an introduction of how co-creation is impacting epidemiological research with regard to several aspects of the research process. Next, a project is presented in which co-creation informed the development of a virtual reality game in the field of alcohol prevention. Finally, participants will be split in two groups to have the opportunity to share thoughts on certain aspects of participatory research and co-creation in a poster discussion. More specifically, we aim to discuss: Does co-creation differ in the contexts of participatory epidemiology and health promotion? And if so how?What is needed to realize co-creation processes in practice? The seminar targets everyone working in the field of population health monitoring and health promotion. The timetable is as follows: Introduction, principles and definitions (15 min), participatory epidemiology and co-creation (15 min), co-designing in prevention and health promotion (15 min), poster discussions (30 min), plenary discussion and roundup (15 min). Main messages Co-creation is a way to improve the relevance of research findings, services and products for public health practice and the involved communities.Co-creation processes are vital to embrace the creativity of users and to ensure relevance and community ownership for health promotion programmes and services. Key messages Co-creation is a way to improve the relevance of research findings and products for various stakeholders. Co-creation is vital to embrace users’ creativity and to ensure community ownership.

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