
In the context of the growing use of artificial intelligence technologies, including in the field of intellectual property, civil law science is tasked with developing new conceptual approaches to the legal assessment of the results of activities related to the use of artificial intelligence technologies. The current theory of copyright does not apply to such an object as a work generated by artificial intelligence technology, since artificial intelligence itself is the result of human creative activity. The article considers the possibility of recognizing the qualities of the subject of law in robots with artificial intelligence. Approaches to understanding the work created by artificial intelligence technologies as an object of intellectual rights and its place among other objects to which intellectual rights arise are analyzed. The question of authorship of works generated by artificial intelligence technologies and subjects with intellectual rights to these results is being investigated. It is concluded that it is impossible to recognize authorship for works created by artificial intelligence technologies due to the latter›s lack of legal personality. It is proposed to amend the list of objects of intellectual rights, taking into account the possibilities of artificial intelligence technologies, to produce works in the field of science, literature, art. The lack of personal non-property rights to such works is justified. Entities that have an exclusive right to works generated by artificial intelligence technologies have been identified – technology developers. Proposals have been made to amend Russian civil law.

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