
Employment in the garment industries involves a lot of human resources as workers, especially those in the sewing sector. Workers who work in the garment industry have higher possibility to suffer musculoskeletal disorders compared with those in other industries. Less ergonomic working postures is one of the factors that can affect the quality and quantity of the tailor’s work. Lack of rest time and nutrition of the workers are also additional factor for the musculoskeletal complaints and fatigue in workers that will ultimately impact to the productivity. Therefore, ergonomic intervention is needed in forms of workplace stretching exercise and giving sweet tea to overcome the condition.
 This research was an experimental study using treatment by subject design on 25 samples selected by simple random sampling method. Interventions given were WSE and sweet tea. Data were collected three times before and after intervention with washing out period for one day. The data collected comprised subjective fatigue using questionnaire of 30 items of fatigue, data for the musculoskeletal complaints used questionnaire of nordic body map, and also employ productivity by calculation partial productivity.
 Data analysis was done initially by the descriptive analysis with the significance’s level ?=0.05 and the normality data tested with Shapiro-Wilk. Subsequently, the data with normal distribution were analyzed by t-paired, while the data with abnormal distribution analyzed be Wilcoxon test. The results showed, there was decrease of musculoskeletal complaints of 24.98%, decrease of fatigue 27.06%, and increase of labor productivity 66.67% all were significant (p<0.05).
 Inconclusion, the ergonomic intervention with WSE and giving sweet tea can improve the physiologic response as shown decrease of fatigue and musculoskeletal complaints as well as increase of labor productivity of the tailors. It is recommended that the study results be applied by tailors working in garment industry or individually.


  • Employment in the garment industries involves a lot of human resources as workers, especially those in the sewing sector

  • The results showed, there was decrease of musculoskeletal complaints of 24.98%, decrease of fatigue 27.06%, and increase of labor productivity 66.67% all were significant (p

  • Inconclusion, the ergonomic intervention with workplace stretching exercise (WSE) and giving sweet tea can improve the physiologic response as shown decrease of fatigue and musculoskeletal complaints as well as increase of labor productivity of the tailors

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Program Studi Ergonomi-Fisiologi Kerja, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana. Pekerjaan di industri garmen banyak melibatkan sumber daya manusia sebagai pekerja khususnya yang berada di bagian jahit. Ketiadaan waktu istirahat dan pemenuhan nutrisi yang cukup bagi pekerja juga dapat menjadi faktor timbulnya keluhan muskuloskeletal dan kelelahan pada pekerja yang pada akhirnya dapat berdampak pada penurunan produktivitas kerja. Diperlukan intervensi ergonomi yang salah satunya dengan workplace stretching exercise (WSE) dan pemberian teh manis untuk mengatasi kondisi tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan keluhan muskuloskeletal sebesar24,98%, penurunan kelelahan sebesar 27,06% dan peningkatan produktivitas kerja sebesar 66,67% secara bermakna (p

Latar Belakang
Fussion Hawai yang berlokasi di daerah
Hasil danPembahasan
Rerata keluhan muskuloskeletal sebelum bekerja pada Periode I adalah
Rerata kelelahan sebelum mulai bekerja yang dialami penjahit pada Periode
WSE dan teh manis menjadi sebesar
Sedangkan pada Periode II rerata pendapatan perusahaan adalah Rp
Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja
Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran Universitas Udayana
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