
Background and context: Cultural norms, beliefs and practices are great hindrance to efforts toward early detection and treatment of cancer in Uganda as most of the individuals believe its witchcraft, curse or bad luck. Working with organized groups such as churches, cultural associations, women associations, is key in changing such beliefs. HealthAid Uganda (HAU) for the last 3 years has worked in partnership with Watoto Church among other groups to deliver cancer awareness, screening and screening for other health problems in the districts of Mukono, Kampala and Wakiso. Aim: To mobilize organized groups within the community to raise awareness about cancer to correct prevailing myths, misconceptions and negative cultural beliefs, norms and practices. Strategy/Tactics: HAU built a strong partnership with its target groups one of which being Watoto church with whom joint planning activities were carried out. It involved the review of HAU's previous community health outreaches as a source of experience. The review also gave insight into the development of the activity plan; including the services to be rendered, the community leaders to be involved and the day in which the events would be conducted. The event included health talks on HPV, cervical and breast cancer, testimonies by the survivors, practical demonstration for self-breast examination, cervical cancer screening and distribution of cancer education materials. Program/Policy process: Involvement of community groups and champions in changing beliefs toward cancer epidemic is key. Outcomes: There was increased spirit of partnership which attracted various civil society organizations with Watoto church being the key partner. The government health center administration recognized efforts and pledged to offer further support in mobilizing the community. The awareness walk attracted public participation and need for the services. It demonstrated need to further work with organized groups within the community to form cancer task force groups to bring cancer information to every household. The events were covered by media, leading to increased demand for the services provided, with estimated 1500 individuals who received with both awareness, screening and consultative services. What was learned: HAU-Watoto partnership involvement showed that working with organized groups produces better results in cancer control and treatment in Uganda. Indeed changing cultural beliefs, norms and practices toward cancer prevention and control can be a success story if working with organized local groups is taken into consideration as a tool to reaching out to individuals and the approach during this year showed much more results than 2016.

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