
Research in blast-induced lung injury resulted in exposure thresholds that are useful in understanding and protecting humans from such injury. Because traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to blast exposure has become a prominent medical and military problem, similar thresholds should be identified that can put available research results in context and guide future research toward protecting war fighters as well as diagnosis and treatment. At least three mechanical mechanisms by which the blast wave may result in brain injury have been proposed—a thoracic mechanism, head acceleration, and direct cranial transmission. These mechanisms need not be mutually exclusive. In this study, likely regions of interest for the first two mechanisms based on blast characteristics (positive pulse duration and peak effective overpressure) are developed using available data from blast experiments and related studies, including behind-armor blunt trauma and ballistic pressure wave studies. These related studies are appropriate to include because blast-like pressure waves are produced that result in neurological effects like those caused by blast. Results suggest that injury thresholds for each mechanism are dependent on blast conditions, and that under some conditions, more than one mechanism may contribute. There is a subset of blast conditions likely to result in TBI due to head acceleration and/or a thoracic mechanism without concomitant lung injury. These results can be used to guide experimental designs and compare additional data as they become available. Additional data are needed before actual probabilities or severity of TBI for a given exposure can be described.

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