
Screen media use by children has been a subject of constant concern by parents, teachers, pediatricians, psychiatrists, and policymakers. The potential for its misuse often shadows media use in terms of its educational and communication opportunities. Adding to the concerns is that excessive screen media use is associated with poor physical and mental health. COVID-19 lockdowns, school closure, and online classes have increased media exposure to children. The prevailing risky situation has prompted global health agencies and professional societies to issue guidelines for safe media use. Parents in their day-to-day life grapple with the problem of knowing how much media is good are media addicting and how to regulate media use in their children. Whether working from home or on-site, working parents face more complex problems wherein their media use is known to shape the kids' screen media use. This viewpoint discussed the problem statement, and the possible solutions for the already overburdened parents juggling work demands, childcare, and screen media use in their children.

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