
While economic crime and itscontrol deserve the scrutiny of criticalcriminology, there are problems in being acritical economic crime criminologist. The conclusion that criminal law in this areabe strictly and consistently enforced seemsinconsistent with critical criminology'swarnings regarding the dangers ofcriminalization as a response to socialproblems. This article reports upon thisdilemma in the specific context of research ona recent Finnish initiative to combat economiccrime that resulted in the authors engaging inpolicy-debates to argue for even greatercriminalization of such crime. The articledescribes and reflects upon thispro-criminalization strategy. It provides anoverview of the research project and some ofthe dangers associated with the advocacy ofgreater criminalization that emerged from it,and which is raised more generally by criticalcriminologists. It concludes by justifyingwhy, in the particular context within whichthis project was conducted, the approachadopted towards conducting the research,disseminating findings, and advocatingcriminalization.

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