
20% of the adolescents have eating problems. The majority (2/3thrd) does not seek any help. The remaining group (1/3thrd) have significant problems to find adequate help. It is essential to provide adequate help, in view of the detrimental impact of eating disorders, for which appropriate care is key, during several years. Care provision was, until now, to a large extent residential, which resulted in long waiting lists.
 In this workshop we will cover the development of a new integrated care organization and care strategy. Using the pathway of eating disorders as a case, it is of special interest to policy makers, care providers, but also to experts by experience and their families.
 Eetexpert has been developing (already for 20 years) a prevention policy, early detection strategies, a network of ambulant care and its related training. The most recent initiative, was to elaborate a prevention and care strategy, in collaboration with the federal and regional governments, the care providers, and the patient organization ANBN. This was very interesting and will result in a better care, which is easier to organize and finance. 
 This workshop will be given by the coordinator of eetexpert and the coordinator of ANBN (the patient organisation). The session will be highly interactive, covering the challenges we came along when defining the care strategy. It will encompass amongst others: the objectives to realise in an early stage more accessible care and the challenges related to this objective. We will also cover the new care organization with a broad and efficient primary care for eating disorders, the importance of family support, flexibility in the level of care intensity and the importance of short deadlines when starting up ambulant care, as well as the identification of complex care needs requiring a swift startup of residential care.
 The interaction during the workshop will be discussion based.
 How can we organize good pathway coordination ? How can we collaborate better between different disciplines in the primary care ? How could residential teams support careprovision in the primary care teams ? How can we strengthen the own power of parents and the home context ? How can financial resources optimally be used for early tailored care ?
 The final word in the workshop comes from the experts by experience, providing take home messages with great added value to you.
 15' Integrated Care for eating disorders in Belgium (Eetexpert) + 5' Discussion + 10' Wishlist new care organization (ANBN Expert by experience) + 5' discussion + 20' challenge-lab (Audience) + 5' takehome message (ANBN expert by experience)
 (note for the reviewers: We hesitated to bring this abstract as a workshop or as an oral presentation It is really worth to hear the perspective of the patientorganisation, but in an oral presentation only one presenter is normally admitted. )

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