
Massive open online courses (MOOC) are a platform where learners and instructors share information, knowledge, and skills. This study focuses on working adults as target respondents were not categorised by age or class in past studies and bridging the gap between UX and self-regulated learning (SRL). SDT is fulfilled by autonomy, relatedness, and competence. UX is represented by Martin's 10 characteristics and continuous intention (CI) by Knowles. The learner's motivation factors are independence, communication skills, and job specification. This (pilot) study employs a quantitative approach from 20 working adults and is analysed via PLS-SEM. The learner's motivation factors and SRL are relevant to the study's framework. Additionally, the structured model demonstrates a strong relationship between UX and CI. The limitation is generalising the findings as a small sample size was used (common for pilot studies). This study is deemed useful to indicate the working adult's motivation toward their MOOC's UX and CI.

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