
This review focuses on physician workforce racial & ethnic diversity as a solution to improve perioperative and peripartum health equity. Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic physicians remain underrepresented in medicine (URiM) and anesthesiology, and efforts to expand this workforce have had limited impact. Psychological forces, including implicit bias, aversive racism, outgroup bias, racial attention bias, stereotype threat, and imposter syndrome all act to reinforce structural racism and decrease opportunity for advancement. Evidence based solutions are emerging, but require institutional commitment and widespread engagement of the entire medical community. Academic medicine has recognized the need to diversify the physician workforce for more than 50 years, and yet Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic physicians remain URiM. Foundational assumptions and power structures in medicine limit entry, advancement, and retention of URiM physicians. Solutions require leadership and institutional commitment to change the policies, procedures, priorities, and culture of academic medicine.

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