
Attending graduate and post-graduate school certainly can contribute to one’s development and advancement. TheSchool of Advanced Studies in the Philippines is one of the leading institutions that caters the academic needs ofprofessionals and employees from different fields of specialization. Every year, it produces quality graduates whohad satisfactorily completed all the set requirements of their respective degree programs. Tracer studies is an avenuetowards quality assurance, it serves as a way of identifying the institution's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, andthreats. This study provided an information on Alumni’s profile including employment status and reason for enrollingin the said school, extent of adequacy of skills learned amd degree of satisfaction from experiences they earned whilestudying. It made use of the descriptive survey and appropriate statistical tool. Findings revealed that obtaining suchdegree is rewarding because the individual’s professional value was increased hand in hand with the additionalremuneration built within it and these are credited to the adequacy of skills they gained in the aspects of knowledgeand technical, research, leadership, and; communication. Likewise, they received better service delivery along thelearning environment particularly on teaching staff’s knowledge, interaction, creativity, respect for students anddelivery skills.

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