
Farmers have suffered from a variety of work-related injuries and diseases. They are exposed to a number of hazards related to farming activity. Farm machines like tractors and small cultivators and animal-related injuries are the primary causes of acute injuries and fatalities. Pesticide exposure is another dominant concern among farmers that can result in acute poisoning or some chronic health outcomes such as neurological diseases or some types of cancer. Farm work can also involve toxic chemicals such as gases (methane, ammonia, H2S, etc.), diesel exhaust particulates, miscellaneous chemicals, and heavy metals, any of which may cause respiratory disease, systemic poisoning, and other health effects in farmers. Some ingredients of pesticides, several plants (poison ivy and poison sumac), and sun and heat exposure can be causes of skin disease. The most frequent cause of respiratory disease is organic dust from livestock production and handling grain or hay. Furthermore, low back pain and osteoarthritis of the hip and knee are common problems among farmers. These are caused by poor ergonomic working conditions like heavy weight lifting, repetitive movement, and awkward postures which involve squatting for long periods of time while working near the ground, long working hours, and a heavy workload. Farmers are also vulnerable to a number of infectious diseases (avian influenza, scrub typhus, leptospirosis, etc.) that may be transmitted from animals or the farm environment. Noise and vibration from powered farm machinery, heat and cold, and a stressful environment due to diminished profit margins can affect farmers' health. Even though farmers are working under very poor working conditions, social and institutional support is insufficient. Greater interest and effort is required to improve farmers' working conditions.

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