
The system of education implementation in Indonesia which is oriented in the world of work, contained in vocational education. One of the specific objectives of SMK according to Law No. 20 of 2003 is to prepare students who are able to work productively with the competency respectively. The application of a dual system of education through the concept of “your link matches” is a milestone for the government's initial efforts to involve the industry in vocational education. Three main characteristics of vocational education that need to be considered in its implementation are: 1) emphasis of psychomotor domains; 2) in accordance with technological developments; and 3) orientation in the field of employment. Job readiness of students can be influenced by many factors. This study aims to assess the readiness of the student's work viewed from experience, insight in the world of work and vocational competence through employability skill with the subject of vocational students in Probolinggo. Great contribution from the independent variables to the intervening variable and dependent can be seen using path analysis. Where the intervening variable of this research is employability skills. Employability skills are closely related to the skills needed by someone, including vocational graduates to be better prepared to enter and or get a job, it is easier to make progress on work, and ultimately upon the success in its work. The implementation of prakerin indirectly will provide knowledge and experience in working. Such experience will indirectly accelerate the transition of students from school to the workplace of industry, experience in this case covers aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills of the students gained after implementing prakerin. While the basic competence is the ability to be possessed by someone in a particular field of work / expertise. This means that the competence of vocational students influence the readiness of entering the labor industry. And insight of the world of work is a guidance to help individuals understand themselves and the environment or in the world of work and make plans to make future decisions. Based on the results of the discussion can be concluded that vocational graduates job readiness is influenced by the experience, insight of the world of work and vocational competence through employability skill.

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