
The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the legal regulation of the management of the labor process and the possibilities of its improvement in the process of reforming the domestic labor legislation. Since today the issue of managing the labor process is of particular importance, taking into account the existing shortcomings in this area, the protracted process of reforming the labor legislation and adopting the Labor Code of Ukraine. In particular, the modern conditions of strengthening integration processes lead to the need to develop fundamentally new approaches to the management of the labor process with the awareness that the main reserve of the enterprise are employees who ensure the quality and competitiveness of production results. Especially today, when employers in the conditions of martial law have a lot of questions about reformatting relations with employees. And in order to maintain a high quality of management, they need to respond quickly and effectively to such situations. It is noted that the management of the labor process is a planned activity of the company’s management aimed at organizing, regulating, motivating and controlling the work of employees, the purpose of which is to coordinate the collective efforts of the team and ensure the agreed actions of its members aimed at achieving specific planned results. Attention is drawn to the fact that at each enterprise, institution, organization, the management of the labor process has its own specificity and depends on objective and subjective factors. A conclusion was made regarding the expediency of implementing remote management of the labor process. Because the use of effective remote management tools can become effective in the process of labor management, especially with the war in the country. And therefore, in today’s conditions, managers of enterprises need to master the skills of remote management of their enterprises, and in the future actively use them to achieve the tasks set before the management. Since taking into account the frequent change of the environment and the constant acceleration of the pace of life, which directly affect the enterprise, the organization of the process of remote management of the work process at the enterprise will become one of the key factors of successful activity in the market.

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