
Work-life balance (WLB) is very pertinent in human resources management. This is the case also in the management of organizations, including the private sector of Equatorial Guinea. Work life balance indicates the degree to which an employee is fulfilled and thus, having his or her needs met within their work and non-work facets of life. (Alison A.Rife & booz A. Hamilton, 2015:4) The aim of this paper therefore is to establish whether work-life balance practices can be considered as strategic human resource management resolution. The results of a number of studies reviewed in this paper shows the outcomes and the benefits of implementing work-life balance practices in human resources management and not only for employees themselves, but also for their families, organizations and society. This paper therefore tackles work-life balance and the stress factors faced by all human resources management. It also throws light on the effects of poor work life balance and thus gives suggestions to overcome those obstacles. Despite the fact that work-life conflict has significant business costs associated with lack of engagement, absenteeism, turnover rates, low productivity and creativity or poor retention levels, there are some factors of organizational work-life culture that may compromise availability and use of these practices, but at the end of the article the writer propose several recommendations in order to improve the understanding, choice, implementation and effectiveness of work-life practices. This pave way for the reader to have an in-depth knowledge about the necessity of balancing one’s work life and personal life.

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