
In the developing countries the price-hike and scarcity of commodities in general result in the physical sufferings and psychological dissatisfaction of the low and middle income people. It is further exaggerated due to the absence of a system of equitable distribution of wealth among the citizens as followed in the socialist countries. The governments of the rich and developed countries maintain the sufferings of the less-advantaged people at a low ebb by adopting the system of security scheme in which subside is extended to the needy people. The governments of the poor and developing countries run their distinctively different programs for eradication poverties. The government of Bangladesh has taken up numerous such projects and programs, in which donations in the form of cash and kind and loan are given to the affected people. However, none of these programs have been proved to have acted permanently and successfully. It is often said that the organizations like the social welfare ministry of the government and the NGO's (Non Government Organizations) working with foreign fund in fact strive poverty to continue, such that they can continue their business. A careful study of the activities of the NGO’s might reveal that there is no provision for permanent eradication of poverty in their programs. The authors of this proposal have formulated a proposal for the establishment of WORK-HOUSE COMPLEX at suitable locations with the help of fund and contributions from the government and benevolent people. This work house is expected to create scope for temporary or permanent job opportunities for the needy people. The profit generated due to such works will be utilized in maintaining the complex and only a part will be given to the needy working people. The complexes are to accommodate facilities for ancillary jobs now being done by the small and medium-size manufacturers by automatic machines. The complex would also accommodate jobs like repairing of domestic appliances, production of some labor-intensive items, handicrafts etc. It is believed that such complexes would be able to help the extremely poor people like beggars to survive, shelter less persons to have some sort of better living facilities and low-income people to earn supplementary income. The authors of this proposal believe, once established such a work-house complex would be able to run by itself from its profit. At present the people contribute considerable sum of money to the beggars. Such contributions in no way can stop begging. However, the problem of the beggars can be solved permanently by donating that sum to such complexes. The authors believe that if such complexes are established at suitable locations, designed intelligently and run prudently under certain regulations, then there is no reason why those would not be able to become self-reliant in points of maintenance and expansion.

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