
The pandemic scattered the world, COVID-19, has rendered a large proportion of the workforce unable to commute to work. This has resulted in both employers and employees seeking alternative work arrangements. The ongoing health and economic crisis related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the required physical distancing measures force many firms to introduce tele-work (working from home) on a large scale. As we begin to take advantage of the relaxation in lockdown to resume work, revive our businesses or resurrect our social lives, companies and employees are trying to visualize the future of the workplace. Typically, when IT employees work from home a significant number continue to operate from the office. Employees of a few companies did work entirely from home, but the number was not significant compared to the size of the organized sector. The lockdown changed all of this. This has given companies an opportunity to evaluate the pros and cons of this concept from a relatively long-term perspective and sparked off speculation that the workplace is likely to change. When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. And as executives struggle to make sense of the post-COVID business environment, many find themselves leading from this gray area of indecision. Adopting new work model will need a lot of improvisation and changes. However, it is well established fact that generally change is being resisted by humans as it makes them uncomfortable. This is to analyze the pros and cons of work from home in this typical situation and to have an idea of managing.

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