
This study examined the previously unexplored occupational grade-specific relationships of domestic responsibilities, the age of children, and work-family spillover, with registered sickness absence (>3 days' sick leave episodes, a mean follow-up of 17 months; n = 18,366 municipal employees; 76% women). The results showed that negative spillover from work into family life predicted a heightened rate of sickness absence spells among both women and men in all occupational categories (except upper white-collar men), but especially among blue-collar and lower white-collar employees. Furthermore, among all white-collar employees (except upper white-collar men), having young children (<7 years of age) was predictive of an increased absence rate. Bearing the main responsibility for domestic work did not considerably predict sickness absenteeism in any occupational grade. The authors conclude that some specific work-family characteristics play a role in sickness absence, but their impact on sickness absence partly varies according to gender and occupational grade.

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