
In Myanmar, the main issue of educational field is disjunction of classroom lectures and industrial practices. The students never know how to apply their theoretical skills in real workplaces. Based on this issue, this paper proposed a toolkit called Work-Based Learning (WBL) for Myanmar students. In 2017, our university, University of Technology (Yatanarpon Cyber City), UTYCC, introduced WBL toolkit to facilitators and students. Facilitators used WBL continuum step by step to train the students who utilized these steps inside or outside of the classroom. The university defined rules and regulations relating with WBL activities such as credit combination to final result, holding curriculum revise and review meeting by inviting industries, project shows by connection with industrial needs. After running WBL activities for three years, there are many handout forms for facilitators, learners and industries which are used in this paper in analyzing toolkit’s results. This paper discusses about those analytical results of applying WBL toolkit in university level consist of facilitators, students and industries in details.

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