
The article discusses the example of a word-formative nest with the apex of Christ. It analyses the role of word-formation in the formation of the language picture of the world of Ukrainians. The word-formative nest fi xes the word-forming segment of the semantic space of the Christ concept of the sacred conceptual sphere. Despite the fact that the anthroponomies as vertices of word-formation nests do not exhibit derivational productivity in the Ukrainian language, the word-formation nest with the apex of Christ has a branched structure: in the three stages of derivation, 25 derivatives of diff erent parts of the language, created in diff erent ways, have been certifi ed. This is due to the semantics of the vertex word of the nest, the importance of the concept named by it, in the perception of Ukrainians, in their culture of belief. In the linguistic consciousness of Ukrainians, Christ – Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the God-man, the incarnate God, the Savior, the Teacher, the Creator of the new religion. Such a broad semantic spectrum determines the activation of the derivation possibilities of the base word and the verbalization of word-formative means by a number of conceptual components. An analysis of the word-formative nest with the apex of Christ has shown that the word-formative dimension in the language picture of the world of Ukrainians, along with the universal conceptual components inherent in many diverse Christians, also has a number of individual-language derivational means of categorizing the world.

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