
This article describes word formation processes and a technique in understanding Waria Slang Tulungagung. This study was done through a survey to warias in Ngunut and Tulungagung surroundings, a small district in East Java- Indonesia, in order to get underlying basis of processes of word formation in waria or Bences variety which are influential toward their language style and their behavior. The instrument- interview &documentation were developed in accordance to get the word formation processes and slang words used by Waria. The study reveals that processes of word formation and technique understanding slang words used by Waria Tulungagung are divided into eleven processes i.e. Derivation, Multiple Process, Acronym, Borrowing, Blending, Reduplication, Synonym, Coinage, Irregular Form, Echoism, Changing of Syllable Vowel and the technique of understanding Waria sentences by removing some suffixes. Finally, the results of this study offers language phenomena arises because of some reasons which are mainly useful for those conducting communication among waria members smoothly, transgender identity and those who are concerned in investigating slang words used by waria or other varieties as well as suggestions for future research.

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