
The article deals with the specifi city of the deverbatives in the word-formation and morphonological aspect based on M. Kidruk’s prose works; the derivational means, the word-formation models and morphonological models of the verbal derivatives of the author are identifi ed. The main feature of M. Kidruk’s language material is high intellectualism, coupled with the linguistic realism. The writer’s idiostyle is a system of the language means formed as a result of the creative use of the linguistic phenomena in Ukrainian. The main aspects of the individual style of the writer such as the deeply moving narrative, dialogues, naturalness, clarity of presentation are shown. The specifi ity of the language organization is defi ned, active word-formation resources and accompanying morphonological processes are described in the nomination of fragments of the modern Ukrainian-language picture of the author’s world, word-formation and morphonological features of the deverbatives in the prose works are determined, word-formation means and morphonological models of the verbal derivatives are highlighted in the works of the author in the stylistic aspect as means of stylistic expressiveness. It has been established that the deverbatives of the substantive block used in the prose works of M. Kidruk indicate the names of the persons, objects of the abstract names, indicated action and they belong to the productive linguistic units. The nouns for naming the abstract action and the result of the action are characterized by the lower productivity. It has been revealed that for the verbal derivatives of the substantive block, the following morphonological phenomena, such as the verbal ending, consonant alternation (P//P1 (the alternation of the labial and labial + l, C//C), the alternation due to the infl uence of the ancient suffi xal phoneme j, the alternation of the linguistic dental consonants with the pre-dental hushing sound), C//C ‘(the alternation of hard consonant with the palatalized phoneme), C’//C (the alternation of palatalized with the hard consonant phoneme) and the vocal (V//V) alternatives, the shift of accent are applied.

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