
The Web of Things (WoT) describes a set of standards by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for the interoperability of different Internet of Things (IoT) platforms, and different application domains. Thus, it guarantees not only device-to-device interactions, but also, application-to-application communications, despite their platform heterogeneity. To identify and use provided services (also called resources) that are exposed by either the devices or the applications connected to a Web environment, describing them using an open, shared and dynamic knowledge representation is required, allowing them to interoperate on both syntactic and semantic levels. In this paper, we propose WoR, a Web of Resources ontology that provides a modular and a common vocabulary to describe Web resources. WoR can: (1) ease the discovery, the selection, and the composition of different kind of resources (exposed by connected Web devices or Web applications), (2) provide reasoning means to discover new information, and (3) allow future extensibility and adaptation to new domains needs. Experiments were made to evaluate our proposed WoR ontology, showing promising results on the effectiveness and the performance levels.

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