
AbstractWoody debris (WD), including coarse woody debris (CWD) and fine woody debris (FWD), is an essential structural and functional component of many ecosystems, particularly in montane forests. CWD is considered to be the major part in forest WD and it is primarily composed of logs, snags, stumps and large branches, while FWD mainly consists of small twigs. Attributes of dead woody material may change in accordance with trends in stand dynamics. The primary forest (primary montane moist evergreen broad‐leaved forest) in Ailao Mountain National Nature Reserve (NNR) preserves the largest tract of natural vegetation in China. The Alnus nepalensis (D. Don) association, Populus bonatii (Levl.) association and secondary Lithocarpus association represent the secondary and chronological types following human disturbance by fires and logging under different intensity. The mass and composition of coarse woody debris (CWD, ≥10 cm in diameter) and fine woody debris (FWD, 2.5–10 cm in diameter) were inventoried in a primary forest and its three secondary counterparts. Estimates of total mass of woody debris across secondary types to primary forest ranged from 2.4 to 74.9 Mg ha−1. The lowest value was found in the A. nepalensis association and the highest values were in the primary forest of which logs are the considerable differences. The ratios of CWD to FWD were low in the secondary types (about 1–4) but high in the primary forest (above 15). Our results suggested that for the recovery of woody debris in the secondary forest, it might last longer than the age of the oldest successional stage studied.

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