
Mollusc communities were sampled quantitatively at eleven sites representing different environmental conditions in the Bieszczady National Park (East Carpathians Mts, Poland). Overall 61 species were recorded. Alder forest in the valleys (AF; Alnetum incanae carpathicum, Caltho-Alnetum, secondary alder forest) hosted the richest fauna, with up to 41 species occurring sympatrically on 100 m2 of forest floor and average density ca. 750 specimens m−2. Three important ecological controllers of species composition and community structure were found. The main predictor of mollusc assemblage composition was calcium content; the first DCA axis of molluscs most significantly and highly correlated with calcium content in the leaf litter and organic matter in the upper layer. The second axis significantly correlated with altitude and negatively with annual temperature, and thus can be explained as an elevational gradient. We observed slope aspect to constitute the third significant gradient. On the basis of forward selection in CCA analysis organic matter in the upper layer of soil was the best predictor of species composition, which explained 26% of total variance. It comes to prove that in mountain forest on non-calcareous bedrock molluscs obtain calcium mainly from leaf litter.

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