
The structure of forests has changed with an increase in soft-wooded broadleaved species over the past decade. The demand for hard-wooded broadleaved species can be met by replacing them with compressed wood of soft-wooded broadleaved species. Existing compressed wood technologies do not fully take into account the density variations that exist along the height of a tree trunk. In this study, we examined the variability of birch and aspen microstructures along the height of the trunk, including vessels per square millimeter and the diameter (tangential and radial) of the vessel lumina. The research was carried out on aspen and birch species growing in Central Russia. The vessels per square millimeter in both species increased from the base to the top of the trunk and their diameters decreased from the base to the top of the trunk. Birch demonstrated greater changes in these values than aspen. There was a strong relationship between the diameter of the vessel lumina and the trunk height. A decrease in the density of the stemwood from the base to the top of the trunk was caused by an increase in the vessels per square millimeter. These results affected the density of the stemwood and determined the degree of compression as well as the initial size of the blanks required to obtain material with uniform quality indicators, regardless of the source location of the raw materials in the tree trunk.

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