
Scott, R. A., E. S. Barghoorn, and U. Prakash. (U.S. Geol. Sur., Denver, Colo.) Wood of Ginkgo in the Tertiary of western North America. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(10): 1095–1101. Illus. 1962. —Woods of Ginkgo and extinct related genera are very rare in the fossil record in contrast to the numerous ginkgoalean leaves. Ginkgo wood may be distinguished from other gymnosperms by a combination of anatomical features herein described. Ginkgo wood from beds of Miocene age at Vantage, Washington, first identified by Beck, is assigned to a new species, G. beckii. Ginkgo wood from the upper Eocene Clarno Formation, John Day Basin, Oregon, is described as G. bonesii sp. nov. Scarcity of fossil ginkgoalean woods may reflect unusual susceptibility to degradation of their cell walls in contrast to the greater chemical resistance to degradation which features many coniferous woods.

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