
Back in 1952, in a review, I.W. Bailey 1 Bailey I.W. Biological processes in the formation of wood. Science. 1952; 115: 255-259 Crossref PubMed Scopus (10) Google Scholar identified six stages in wood development (xylogenesis) – the cambial zone; zones of cell enlargement; cell maturation; mature sapwood; sapwood–heartwood transition; and the inner core of heartwood. This gives some indication of how complex the process is, and the fact that these same zones are still recognized today highlights how little our understanding of xylogenesis appears to have advanced. However, a recent conference on wood formation * The Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Vascular Development in Perennial Woody Plants – The Making of Wood, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh, UK, 22–26 March 1999. *The Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Vascular Development in Perennial Woody Plants – The Making of Wood, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh, UK, 22–26 March 1999. was an opportunity for workers to meet and discuss some of the more recent developments.

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