
Abstract The wood anatomy of Paratrophis microphylla (Raoul) Ckn. and P. banksii Cheesem. is described. Main stemwood of P. microphylla and branchwood of P. banksii was examined. The woods are diffuse-porous with slightly distinct to distinct growth rings. Vessels are often solitary in P. microphylla whereas in P. banksii they are frequently arranged in radial multiples. Vessels have simple perforation plates, and alternate, angular intervascular pits. Tyloses are sometimes present. Pits leading to rays are simple or with narrow borders. They are large, round, and radially to axially elongated. Axial parenchyma is abundant, and occurs in various forms, i.e., paratracheal bands, terminal, aliform confiuent, vasicentric, scanty paratracheal, unilaterally scanty paratracheal. Fusiform parenchyma cells are sometimes present. Abundant intercellular spaces are associated with paratracheal bands and aliform confiuent parenchyma. Rays are noded, heterogeneous types III and II, and 1–10 cells wide. Rhomboidal crystals are sometimes more numerous in axial parenchyma and rays in P. banksii than in P. microphylla. Fibres are very thin to thin-walled with simple to slightly bordered pits present mainly on radial walls. Crystal-bearing fibres are occasionally present in P. banksii. A few anatomical differences which were observed in P. banksii and P. microphylla may have a limited diagnostic value.

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