
Abstract Corynocarpaceae group closely with Coriariaceae and Cucurbitaceae by axial parenchyma types (vasicentric scanty plus apotracheal banded plus ray-adjacent, all in strands of 1–2 cells) and Homogeneous Type II rays. Begoniaceae, Datiscaceae s. s., and Tetramelaceae group on the basis of absence of banded axial parenchyma and subdivision of the vasicentric parenchyma into strands of 3–5 cells. All of the families of Cucurbitales (except Anisophylleaceae) have two unusual features: minimal borders on perforation plates and unusually wide multiseriate rays (not accompanied by uniseriate rays). All of the families except Anisophylleaceae have another unusual feature, storied fusiform cambial initials. Anisophylleaceae have several wood features more primitive than those of other Cucurbitales (tracheids, aliform axial parenchyma, nonstoried cambial initials), but the family is not necessarily excluded from Cucurbitales. Data on wood of Corynocarpaceae are derived from samples of three species of Corynoc...

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