
Riparian ash forests subjected to seasonal drought are among the most endangered ecosystems in Europe. They are threatened by climate warming causing aridification and by land-use changes modifying river flow. To assess the impacts of these two stress factors on riparian forests, we studied radial growth and xylem anatomical traits in five narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) stands across wide climatic and ecological gradients from northern Italy to southern Portugal. Radial growth rates and earlywood hydraulic diameter (Dh) were directly correlated, whilst earlywood vessel density and growth rates were inversely associated. Ash growth positively responded to precipitation. Higher and lower rates of growth increase in response to precipitation were found in dry (annual precipitation 357–750 mm, annual water balance −39 to −48 mm) and wet (annual precipitation 1030 mm, annual water balance 27 mm) sites, respectively. Wet conditions in autumn and winter of the year prior to tree-ring formation lead to larger Dh values, except in the wet site where warmer conditions from prior autumn to current spring were positively associated to wider vessels. Growth was also enhanced by a higher river flow, reflecting higher soil moisture due to elevated groundwater table levels. Peaks in river flow from late winter to early spring increased Dh in dry-continental sites. Growth and potential hydraulic conductivity in drought-prone riparian ash forests are differently impacted by climate variability and river flow depending on site and hydrological conditions. Nevertheless, covariation between radial growth and the earlywood vessel diameter was found, regardless of site specific differences. Wood production and hydraulic conductivity are coordinated through the production of large earlywood vessels which may allow reaching higher growth rates.

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