
In this paper we consider the following stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) in the whole space: $$ du (t, x) = [a^{i j} (t, x) D_{i j} u(t, x) + f(u, t, x)]\, dt + \sum _{k = 1}^m g^k (u(t, x)) dw^k (t). $$ We prove the convergence of a Wong–Zakai type approximation scheme of the above equation in the space $$ C^{\theta } ([0, T], H^{\gamma }_p ({\mathbb {R}}^d)) $$ in probability, for some $$ \theta \in (0,1/2), \gamma \in (1, 2)$$ , and $$p > 2$$ . We also prove a Stroock–Varadhan’s type support theorem. To prove the results we combine V. Mackevicius’s ideas from his papers on Wong–Zakai theorem and the support theorem for diffusion processes with N. V. Krylov’s $$L_p$$ -theory of SPDEs.

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