
The classification of two root-infecting fungi, Magnaporthe garrettii and M. griffinii, was examined by phylogenetic analysis of multiple gene sequences. This analysis demonstrated that M. garrettii and M. griffinii were sister species that formed a well-supported separate clade in Papulosaceae (Diaporthomycetidae, Sordariomycetes), which clusters outside of the Magnaporthales. Wongia gen. nov, is established to accommodate these two species which are not closely related to other species classified in Magnaporthe nor to other genera, including Nakataea, Magnaporthiopsis and Pyricularia, which all now contain other species once classified in Magnaporthe.


  • The taxonomic and nomenclatural problems that surround generic names in the Magnaporthales (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota), together with recommendations for the suppression and protection of some of these names, were explained by the Pyricularia/Magnaporthe Working Group established under the auspices of the International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF; Zhang et al 2016)

  • Magnaporthe was morphologically characterised by having dark perithecia with long necks immersed in host tissue, unitunicate asci, and 4-celled fusiform hyaline to pale EURZQ DVFRVSRUHV .UDXVH :HEVWHU 6XEVHTXHQWO\ seven species were assigned to Magnaporthe based on morphology, namely, M. salvinii .UDXVH :HEVWHU M. grisea %DUU M. rhizophila 6FRWW 'HDFRQ M. poae /DQGVFKRRW -DFNVRQ M. oryzae

  • Magnaporthe is a synonym of Nakataea as their respective type species, Magnaporthe salvinii and Nakataea sigmoidea UHIHU WR WKH VDPH VSHFLHV .UDXVH

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The taxonomic and nomenclatural problems that surround generic names in the Magnaporthales (Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota), together with recommendations for the suppression and protection of some of these names, were explained by the Pyricularia/Magnaporthe Working Group established under the auspices of the International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF; Zhang et al 2016) One of these generic names, Magnaporthe, was proposed for suppression by Zhang et al (2016) because Magnaporthe is congeneric with Nakataea (Hara 1939) as the types of both genera, Magnaporthe salvinii Most of these species belong to other genera, VSHFL¿FDOO\ Magnaporthiopsis, Nakataea, and Pyricularia /XR =KDQJ 7KH WZR H[FHSWLRQV DUH WKH $XVWUDOLDQ ectotrophic species, M. garrettii and 0 JULI¿QLL, which infect roots of some turf grasses (Wong et al 2012) One of these species, 0 JULI¿QLL ZDV IRXQG E\ .ODXEDXI et al (2014) to be distant from Sordariomycetes EDVHG RQ ,76 VHTXHQFHV *HQ%DQN -4 -4

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